4.1.1. FluxRobot

fluxclient.robot provides an interface to control a FLUX device.

An example to connect and control a device:

from fluxclient.commands.misc import get_or_create_default_key
from fluxclient.robot import FluxRobot

client_key = get_or_create_default_key("./sdk_connection.pem")
robot = FluxRobot(('', 23811), client_key)


You might want to check this link for details.

# Case 1: Get device from uuid device = discover_device(uuid) robot = device.connect_robot(client_key)

# Case 2: Connect to robot directly robot = FluxRobot((metadata[“ipaddr”], 23811), client_key)

class fluxclient.robot.robot.FluxRobot(endpoint, client_key, device=None, ignore_key_validation=False)

A FluxRobot object represents a live connection with a FLUX device.

  • endpoint (tuple) – A tuple contain a pair of IP address and port to connect. For example: (“”, 23811)
  • client_key (encrypt.KeyObject) – Client identify key
  • device (dict) – Device instance to assign value because it may has different definition in different version.

List files on the device.

Parameters:path (str) – Path on device, must start with /SD/ or /USB/
Returns:An array of files and directories. Each array element is a tuple, first is a boolean present this name is a folder or not and second is the name of the file or folder.
Return type:list

Gets fcode information from specific file path.

Parameters:path (str) – File path on the device
Returns:[ {“f-code-metadata-key”: “f-code-metada-value”, ...}, [(“image”, b’image buffer object’), ...] ] The first return element in array is a key-value information of f-code the second is a list of preview images. Image list length may be 0.
Return type:list

Gets file md5 on the device.

Parameters:path (str) – File path on the device
Returns:MD5 hex
Return type:str

Creates a folder on the device storage.

Parameters:path (str) – Path to be created

Removes folder on the device storage.

Parameters:path (str) – Path to be removed
cpfile(source_path, dist_path)

Copies a file on the device.

  • source_path (str) – File can be on device or usb disk
  • dist_path (str) – File can be copied only to the device

Removes a file on the device.

Parameters:path (str) – File to be deleted
download_file(path, stream, process_callback=None)

Downloads a file from the device.

  • path (str) – File on device for download
  • stream (filelike_obj) – A local file-like object to write
  • process_callback (function) – A callable object which will be invoked during download progress
upload_file(filename, upload_to='#', process_callback=None)

Uploads a file to the device.

  • filename (str) – File to upload to device
  • upload_to (str) – Path on device to upload to
  • process_callback (function) – A callable object which will be invoked during upload progress
upload_stream(stream, mimetype, size, upload_to='#', process_callback=None)

Uploads a file to the device. ( In file stream )

  • stream (file) – Filelike object
  • mimetype (str) – Contents mimetype
  • size (int) – Contents size
  • upload_to (str) – Path on device to upload to
  • callback (function) – A callable object which will be invoke during upload progress
yihniwimda_upload_stream(mimetype, size, upload_to='#')

Yes, I have no idea what I’m doing about upload stream. You can use it if and only if you have any idea about this:

for feeder in robot.yihniwimda_upload_stream(...):
recived_size = feeder(buffer) print(“%i bytes sent” % recived_size)



Selects a file to run.

Parameters:path (str) – Path on device

Starts currently selected task.


Pauses current task.


Aborts current task.


Resumes current task.


Reports current task status.


Shows current task info.


Quits from current task status.


Gets the device information


Gets a subscriptable device config object.


Kicks a work session which occupied the device.

update_firmware(stream, size, process_callback=None)

Uploadshen and t updates a flux device firmware


Begins a scanning task and return a scan object


Begins a maintaining task and return a scan object


Closes a device connection